Yearout Energy is proud to announce that two of its team members have joined the City of Albuquerque Climate Task Force. Alex Montaño, senior vice president of development, and Tara Trafton, project success manager, serve on the task force that will author an updated Albuquerque Climate Action Plan. As an Albuquerque-based company, Yearout Energy is honored to be involved in shaping Duke City’s strategy to combat climate change and serve the communities most impacted by climate change.
The committee members are not the only ones with input into Albuquerque’s Climate Action Plan. All task force meetings are held virtually, and members of the public are welcome to observe. They are also welcomed to comment during designated public comment meetings. Two such meetings are upcoming on Wednesday, February 17, from noon to 2 p.m., and on Thursday, February 18, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Visit the City of Albuquerque’s sustainability website for further information on how to join these meetings.
The Albuquerque Climate Task Force began meeting in October on the heels of the release of the Climate Action Plan Survey. The survey was conducted from July to September as the first step of a public outreach effort to engage Albuquerqueans in shaping the City’s fight against climate change. More than 3,100 residents responded to the survey; they represented more than 200 neighborhoods across Duke City.
Top findings of the surveys show that residents strongly support:
● More trees and vegetation in neighborhoods
● Safer, more bike and pedestrian-friendly streets
● More residential solar
● Expansion of existing green spaces and trails to allow for more time spent outside
● Energy efficiency upgrades and rebates to reduce spending on utility bills
The survey’s results were hopeful, with more than half of survey respondents indicating they are optimistic that individual action can impact climate change. New Mexico First released more detailed findings.
Survey responses are informing directly the priorities and the content of the Climate Action Plan, a draft of which is already in progress. The final plan is slated for release in spring 2021 with implementation to follow beginning summer 2021. To catch up on the conversation, minutes from previous meetings are available online.
For further information on the City of Albuquerque Climate Task Force and/or the Climate Action Plan, please contact the City of Albuquerque.