The County of Socorro
The County of Socorro enlisted Yearout Energy to carry out an investment grade audit (IGA) across 24 county buildings to identify opportunities for energy savings and develop facility improvement measures to implement through a Guaranteed Energy Savings Performance Contract (GESPC).The approved contract includes upgrading to LED technology, the installation of solar photovoltaic systems at multiple sites, new HVAC equipment and controls, a new roof for the County Courthouse, remediation of building envelope air leaks, water conservation measures, and installation of surge protection.
Completion Date: Summer 2022
Contract Amount: $3.5 Million

- Upgrading ~1,000 existing lighting fixtures to LED technology
- Installing roughly 208 kW DC of solar PV panels
- Installing new HVAC Equipment and Controls at the Courthouse and District Attorney’s Office
- Installing wireless thermostats at selected facilities that will provide remote access
- Remediating 30+ ft2 of building envelope air leaks
- Upgrading domestic water fixtures to conserve water
- Installing 16,000 ft2 of new roof at the Courthouse
- Installing surge protection at the Detention Center
“Socorro County has a rich history of culture, scientific research, geology and recreation. We’re excited to expand upon these cornerstones by upgrading our facilities to meet the needs of the county, while reducing our carbon footprint through a comprehensive guaranteed savings approach.”
– Socorro County Manager
Michael Hawkes